Track Notes

4.4 ( 7744 ratings )
Productividad Estilo de vida
Desarrollador William Osborne
4.99 USD

Track Notes is an electronic record book for those who train and compete in canine tracking events. It is designed to allow you to easily record notes about all of your training sessions directly on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad.

The interface is designed to be easy to use allowing information to be entered quickly and easily so you can keep track of all of your important notes.

Track Notes currently allows you to record the following information about your training sessions:
* Date
* Dog
* Location
* Surface
* Level
* Judge
* Tracklayer
* Number of turns
* Time track was laid (and cross-tracks if any)
* Time track was run
* Track and cross-track age
* Length of each leg and total length of the track
* Placement of articles and food
* Time taken on the track
* Weather conditions, including Temperature, Wind speed, Wind direction, and Humidity
* Surface conditions and type of terrain
* Multiple notes that can include anything you want
* Picture field that allows you to take a picture of a sketch of the track and attach it to a record.
* Full iCloud support
* Compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and fully supports the 4" display on newer iPhones and iPods.